Monday, April 24, 2006

a week off from uni feels more like a day off to me. assignments and tests lining up and exams in 6 weeks time! Really delighted because I've got 92% for my econs assign and got back the most tedious management assign too, not good enough (only 60%) but i'm confident that my finance and law test will do well! it's really been long to feel the satisfaction after putting in all effort and score for what I truly deserves. ---> some should know what happened to my studies last sem(horrible).
i can't seem to give myself a break. I love challenging myself to do even better than any of my 1st assignments. No more excuses to slack. and study abroad isn't about my survival in aussie land but to complete this degree and graduate with glory.

If over and over God deigns to work,
Why should we faint, one duty shirk?
So over and over our tasks we do,
Sure of reward, if our work be true. - Anon.

i can't wait to go Queensland. Posted by Picasa

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