Thursday, December 21, 2006

Just finished a distance phone call with a friend of mine in Singapore. We were discussing the worth of L.O.V.E . How much we need to contribute to that in order to comprise its worth?

When we were much younger, L.O.V.E was just a bond between 2 loving birds. So when the reality hits us, unbelievable factors are pieces to finish off the jigsaw puzzle. At the later part of the conversation, she asked me if I’ve any regrets in that Big Four Letter Powerful Word. You know, sometimes people are just plain foolish or should I say, desperate, when dealing with their L.O.V.E issues. When a relationship gets rather quiet, a participant in that relationship would light up their so called, DULL relationship with some rather idiotic and meaningless sparks. That drains down most of the relationship.

How much is enough for someone to say that he/she is ready to L.O.V.E or to be L.O.V.E.d? I’m not talking about puppy love or even short term relationship; L.O.V.E that promises a walk together down the aisle . Let’s face the fact; it’s totally pointless to walk into a relationship with someone you aren’t ready to commit. I’ve been through so many relationship and walked out with little expectations. To a certain extent, I believe that I am so not the right person to even discuss about L.O.V.E. Friendships ended because of that and no doubt that some ugly foot prints were left on my way out from every relationship that I had involved in.

Though I do regret making horrible decisions most of the time, reminders are always up asking me not to look back. Walk forward and live your life with those decisions made because there is zero possibility to rewind the time machine.

Another friend of mine asked if I’m attached to someone at the moment; because of my current status in my Friendster profile is IN A RELATIONSHIP. Yeah, I am in a relationship, but, not with any ordinary guy.

It’s God.


Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 18, 2006


We're gonna be just fine. But I think this incident has taught you something valuable. Learn it and don't make the same mistake again because you're just handling relationship issues at your own risk.

I'm not sure if things are meant to be this way and I'm dead serious that I'm losing my grip on those issues.

2 xmas parties and a cocktail party on the way =)
oh, I'm soooooo in love with Xmas. Last sunday's gift giving service was sooo awesome. I haven’t had such a meaningful pre-xmas celebration before.

Let’s adore Him.

my future is in His hands and greater achievements are just ahead of me.
I know that.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Why the struggle?

Have you ever heard someone suggest that if you just trust Jesus, He'll solve all your problems and you'll float through life with riches and peace?

If that were the way God planned it for the people who serve Him, then what was Paul's problem? After his conversion, he was as godly as they come, yet he had problems galore. He was one of the greatest missionaries of all time - and what did he get for his trouble? Beaten up. Arrested. Nearly drowned. Run out of town.

Look at Joseph, Abraham, Job, Jeremiah, Peter - godly men one and all. Yet they all faced dangers and trouble none of us would ever desire.

So, why the struggle? Why is it that tragedy strikes Christians with the same blunt force that it strikes the most antagonistic atheists? Why are we not exempt from natural disaster, serious illness, interpersonal squabbles, and mistreatment by others?

Somehow, in God's way of making things work out, our troubles can advance His kingdom and purposes (Romans 8:28; Philippians 1:12). Our task is to glorify God, no matter what the circumstances. If we do, our struggle can direct others to the Saviour as we make our way toward out ultimate goal of rest and reward in heaven.

He changes your bloodline at the point of your conversion.
So, just jump in the water of faith because revelation is just ahead.

God allows trials in our lives not to impair us but to improve us.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I've always thought that keeping the MOUTH shut at the appropriate time, is the best when one wants to salvage a relationship. Be it a boy girl relationship or friendship. Because it allows time to cool things off.

and no, I'm not avoiding you.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The outward. The hidden.

The apostle Paul said that we are to "cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit" - (2 Cor. 7:1) . Even though it may seem people around us that we are living a clean, moral life, in our spirit we may be harboring an attitude that displeases the Lord. Because sins of the spirit are unseen, hidden in the heart, we tend to ignore them until they lead to some outward behaviour that reveals their presence.

King David's life illustrates these two aspects of sin. His lust for Bathsheba led to adultery and murder (2 Sam. 11-12; Ps. 32:5), and brought great pain to his own life and reproach to the nation of Israel. Then, late in his life, he succumbed to Satan's prompting to take a census (1 Chron. 21:1-6). This seemingly innocent act displeased God because David was taking pride in his military might. He apparently made a subtle shift from complete reliance on God, who had often miraculously delivered him, to trusting in his own power and strength.

On the outside, it may appear to others that we are winning the battle against sin. But we must stay alert to the sins of the spirit, especially pride. They can cause us to stumble and fall, even at the end of life's journey.

Pride and lust are hidden stones over which many people stumble.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

喝着茶, 谈心事。




愛你不需要原因 只要有一顆真心 分隔兩地也可以傳給你
 愛你不會有距離 只要你在我心裡 隨時隨地我也可以感覺得到你”

徐若瑄 - “決定愛你”

Friday, December 01, 2006

I know i've not been working hard enough.

emoash now. please don't talk about it, because i'm gonna so ignore that topic.

never gonna give up though.